Monday, April 30, 2012

More Garden Work

I pulled some more weeds and dug enough to fill the planting boxes for the peppers, pumpkins, the small box next to the pumpkins, and about half of the box where the cauliflower, broccoli & celery will go.  I should be able to plant the broccoli and cauliflower in that box in the next few days.  It’s supposed to rain with possibly severe storms tomorrow and Wednesday, so those probably won’t be planted until Thursday or Friday (whenever the weather allows).

Kaitlyn helped me plant pumpkin seeds in the garden box.  We planted two hills with 4 seeds each.  Once they sprout I’ll thin them to the strongest two per hill.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Progress & Volunteer Plants

Spent most of the day pulling LOTS of weeds, including a whole bunch of dandelions.  Hopefully I got most of the dandelion roots since they had pretty much taken over the area where the onions were last year and the tomato beds are this year.  I thought we had harvested all of the onions last fall, but I discovered 3 onions so I pulled them & we’ll eat them as green onions in the next few days.   I finished putting the box supports in place for the asparagus so I can get that planted in the next few days.

Many of the peas are starting to come up.  As I was pulling weeds in the bed with the oregano I noticed several dill plants coming up that didn’t grow last year.  Since that bed is mostly herbs I’m just leaving them and weeding around them in case my dill that I intentionally plant this year don’t do well.  If they do, then I’ll just have extra dill. J

There are a couple Black Seeded Simpson growing out of the side of one of the planting boxes, but I left them for now.  I’ll harvest them when I put the newspaper and wood chip mulch down.  There were a couple romaine plants growing in the box where I’m putting the pumpkins, but I just pulled those with the weeds.




Black Seeded Simpson


Green onions

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Rhubarb and Hostas

I helped Mom split her hostas on Sunday and she gave me some for our yard.  Heidi also split her rhubarb so she gave me several plants.  Al tilled up a couple feet along the outside of the garden fence for the hostas and rhubarb.  I just got them planted - hopefully they'll establish well.  Some of the arugula is coming up already!


Hostas & Rhubarb

Hostas & Rhubarb

Thursday, April 19, 2012


I made lots of progress so far.  The onion plants are planted, seeds for the carrots, peas, beets & various greens are planted.  More progress has been made on filling the frames with soil.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Seedling progress

Wow!  It's starting to look like a garden inside!  Too bad we can't plant these outside yet!


Tomatoes & Peppers


Squash, herbs

Marjoram, Celery, Peppers


Marigolds & Basil

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Lots of garden work

We made lots of progress on the garden today.  Al borrowed the wood chipper from Deb & Jim so he's chipping up a bunch of brush.  I'll used the chipped wood as mulch in the garden.


Al chipping brush in the wood chipper

Kaitlyn is helping dig soil into the raised beds