Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Harvesting before the long weekend

Kaitlyn helped me harvest a bunch of tomatoes, wax beans and jalapeno peppers before we go up North for Labor Day weekend.  The broccoli is ready to harvest too but I'll wait until we get back to harvest that.  I think a couple of the buttercup squash are ready - I'll check those when we get back too.
Kaitlyn with one of the ripe tomatoes

One of the tomato plants

This pumpkin plant is taking over the garden


Wax beans

Green pepper

Monday, August 27, 2012

Yesterday's Harvest

I'm finally feeling well enough to do a little light work in the garden.  Yesterday I harvested some tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, cayenne peppers, banana peppers, basil, parsley, and our first cucumber.  I'll make some salsa in the next day or so.  I also noticed there are several pumpkins and squash growing.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Lots of veggie development

I'm slowly healing enough to walk through the garden today. I noticed lots of progress - I should be able to harvest some veggies in the next few days.


Kale - I had to move the pumpkin vines off of it

Our first cucumber of the season

Sweet 100 Tomato



Golden Rave Tomatoes



Romaine & arugula

Buttercup Squash

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Thanks Grandma!

My surgery went well yesterday.  Since I can't do much but sit here and recover Grandma Olive went out in the garden and pulled a bunch of weeds, especially that darned crab grass.  She also harvested a bunch of onions, garlic and peppers.
Some of the peppers, onion & garlic Grandma harvested
Some of the onions Grandma harvested

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Surgery tomorrow, Garden Maintenance

In preparation for my gallbladder surgery tomorrow and not being able to be in the garden much for a while, Al and I got a lot of work done in the garden tonight.

We pulled a bunch of weeds, including the overgrown pathway by Jayne's fence.  We also finally made a trellis for the cucumbers to grow up.  Al accidentally pulled a cucumber plant with the weeds.  Good thing that wasn't the only one I planted. :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pulled lots of weeds, harvested carrots & beans

I harvested a bunch of carrots, wax beans, and some peppers today.  There are still a bunch of carrots ready to harvest, but I'll leave them in the garden until we're ready to use them.  Al took Kaitlyn to Hazel's birthday party so I could get some gardening done.  I want to get as many weeds pulled as possible before my surgery on Friday.  I managed to clear the rest of the walkways and weeded around the beans.  The pumpkins are spreading out so far I can't get through the end of a couple walkways, but we can get around other paths so it's not a huge deal.  We should have some nice pumpkins from those plants.

Today's harvest

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Plant growth, weeding

I'm meeting with the surgeon tomorrow and Kaitlyn's birthday party is on Saturday, so I'm trying to get as much maintenance done as possible in the garden today.  The one cauliflower plant that survived is doing well.  The celery seems to be growing well and I think we'll see the flower part of the broccoli (the part we eat) in the next few days. The buttercup squash that I direct seeded is going like crazy.  The ones I started indoors too early are doing ok but not as vigorous. The one that starts at the right side and vines all along the fence is that one plant I direct seeded.
Squash, radishes, cauliflower

Squash, celery, broccoli