Monday, May 6, 2013

New garden cart, compost etc

We bought a new garden cart at Home Depot for only $20. It's WAY better than the old one! It's much smoother to push, it holds more weight, and it fits between the rows of raised beds.
The new garden cart

Saturday morning I finished unloading the compost and filled in dirt in the strawberry pyramid. Al and Kaitlyn helped me move cinder blocks to the front flower bed by the tulips and put them along the edge of the bed. They also cleared leaves and weeds out of the flower bed.
Compost on the beds closest to the house

Filling the strawberry pyramid

Strawberries in the new pyramid planter

Tulip bed with cinder block edging

Yesterday I planted new strawberry plants in the pyramid. I also loosened the soil and mixed compost in 5 raised beds. I planted the onion sets and found out they didn't take up as much room as I had planned for them, so I planted extra bunching onions and carrots. I also planted garlic, beets, arugula, romaine and kale. (I only planted about half of the kale so there's room to start the rest the end of June.)

Apparently we need to raise the fence along the back of the garden because there were deer tracks through the garden and it looks like it got in at the back by the onions. After fixing the places where the deer stomped today, I planted cauliflower, broccoli, a marigold, buttercruch lettuce, and more romaine. Some animal dug up a few of the new strawberry plants so I replanted those too. I put up some CDs around the garden to deter the animals from going in there any more.  We'll see if it helps.

The squash and pumpkins sprouted yesterday so I brought them downstairs under the lights when I brought up the broccoli and cauliflower. Hopefully the weather will cooperate so we can plant the tomatoes on time because on the top shelf I moved the chain up as far as it will go and the tomatoes are right up to the light.  We got another shop light from Sue on Saturday too, so when we get new full spectrum bulbs we'll be able to use that for plants also.  The squash I started for Cathy and the watermelon haven't sprouted yet.
Cauliflower growing inside

Cauliflower and beets


Marigold by the back fence

Animal dug up a strawberry plant

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